Various Projects, Africa




Aug 2011 - Aug 2019
Managem is an industrial group focused on mining in Africa, mainly Morocco. It specializes in the valuation of mineral substances. Managem is a long-time client of G Mining Services Inc. and our interventions on several of their projects include: -Bouskour project: Technical and Economic Studies, Resource Estimate, and Mining Plan Update. -Wadi Gabgaba, Soudan Project: Resource Estimate Provided technical support for 5 mines.

Various Projects, Africa

Managem is an industrial group focused on mining in Africa, mainly Morocco. It specializes in the valuation of mineral substances. Managem is a long-time client of G Mining Services Inc. and our interventions on several of their projects include: -Bouskour project: Technical and Economic Studies, Resource Estimate, and Mining Plan Update. -Wadi Gabgaba, Soudan Project: Resource Estimate Provided technical support for 5 mines.
Various Projects, Africa

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